Religious America
The role of religion in America is quite a significant one. I think that religion can be good in some instances but when in gets to your government you have to be completley unbiased. When you run a country you cannot treat any religions differently, which in this country they do. For example on the holiest day of the entire jewish religion the government overlooks this and people still have to work, as opposed to one of Christianity's holiest days, Christmas. The government calls it a national holiday and everyone gets off work, school or anything else. I think that Christianity all but almost runs our country, even though we say there is religious freedom, you can't walk by a church without someone trying to get you to join, not to mention all of the annoying phone calls. The government made the rule that public schools can't teach anything about religion, which is a step in the right direction but they still do so many other things that doesn't neccassarily talks about religion but puts the idea in the heads of kids. Even our pledge of alligience is religion based with the phrase "under god", this phrase strongly takes away religious freedom, and in public schools the kids have to say the pledge of alligience every day in school, that is hardly religious freedom and absolutely not seperation of church and state. I think that a country based on religious freedom as one of the bases of this country would be much less suggestive of Christianity or even religion in general. I am not saying that religion is bad, all I am saying is that until the kids are old enough to make there own choices the parents should decide whether to make the kid religious or not, it shouldn't be our government or our schools.