Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Religion: Good or Bad

As I started in High School 3 years ago I was fully Jewish. As I started to think about different religions in history class and just on my own I found that there are a lot of things in Judaism that I disagree with. For example the big thing is a God, obviously to be Jewish you have to believe in God, but through different events in my life I have not only stopped believing in God but also in Judaism. Some might say that I have lost my way but in my mind I have found it. When I was born I was given my name Josh, yet a week later I was given a Hebrew or a Jewish name. Why do I need 2 names? I found that when I was younger I was Jewish but not because me as a person was Jewish but because my parents told me I was. That being said I probably, if you asked me back then, would have said I am Jewish but that is because I hadn't become my own person yet. When I think about what religion has done to the world it makes me think, What would the world be like without religion?

Religion was originally formed to explain the unexplained. When things like the creation of the Earth or how humans were formed came up in conversation  people didn't know how to respond so people created ways to explain these events. However when you have 2 people that think a like there is typically friction and conflict, kind of like in science when you try to put 2 positive magnets together. In my personal opinion I find that when religion comes into things there is almost always a heated argument or an, agree to disagree either way it doesn't end well. Sometimes it turns into more than a heated discussion and causes war or persecution. For example, the Crusades or the "Holy War" (which really isn't that holy), in the Crusades the Christians basically forced religion on people and took land under "The Church". In the Holy War the Muslims did basically the same exact things, forced their religion and took land. I don't think that this was the exact purpose of religion. 

I am not saying that religion is completely bad though. I find that there are absolute benefits to being religious. You get to associate with people that you wouldn't necessarily know and you do get a enhanced education, plus some of the stories are pretty cool. Religion is a big part of any person but I feel like it is not exactly needed. If you didn't have religion than, what? If there was no religion there is not big side effect. I think that it is overly needed and not essential to life.  

I think that religion is overall bad and I think that it is overly used. Without religion I think that the world would be a better place and possibly less tense. I  think that I wouldn't have the inner turmoil of being agnostic if religion wasn't as big a part of me. I found that God hasn't really given me a reason to believe in him/her (whatever you believe) and I think that it is important for me to realize the fact that I am not religious. I understand that some people might have a problem with some of the things that I said, however you are just proving my point more. 

I am sorry if this offends anyone. 


  1. Hi Josh,
    That is the best part of blogging you can say what you want. I’m not real up on religion myself some days I question my beliefs also, but at the end of the day never hurts to hope. That and people don’t want to face the truth that when they die most will be forgotten. In my opinion is about if your worried about offending anyone is if they don’t like it don’t read it. You have some great thoughts. If your happy that’s all that matters you can look for god, but it takes something really scary or a close call to make you see the world from a new way.

    1. Hi Loran,

      I agree that, if people don't like something they shouldn't read it, however a lot of people don't think of that. So instead of taking a bunch of hate mail, I decided to add the last line. I again think that if people don't believe in God there is a specific reason and I think that there shouldn't have to be a reason. We are so focused on religion that we force children to grow up with it, which is fine I guess, because it teaches values. However, if a child wants to stop being a certain religion, the parents aren't always as nice about it as my mom has been.]

      Thanks for reading,

  2. Josh,

    Your post was very interesting to me and I enjoyed learning about your opinions. I cannot say I am in agreement with you, however. Religion in my life has only been good and healthy for me and my family. I believe that growing up with some kind of faith, whatever it is, puts kids on the right track in life because it teaches moral values. I know in my opinion, if I didn't have a God to believe in or the promise of Heaven in my future, I wouldn't have much to live for. I honestly think that religion should play more of a role in American citizens lives. Religion is not only believing in a higher authority and worshiping such, but also adhering to the values and moral responsibilities required. I enjoyed reading your blog immensely and look forward to hearing from you in the future!


    1. Hi Ellen,

      I think that your opinion is interesting, however I disagree on some levels. I do agree however that religion can help people grow up, I contribute a lot of my growth as a person to religion. However after a certain point, religion just creates tension. I am glad that religion has been important in your life, and I definitely think that without a reason to abandon religion I would still be active within my religion. As I look at things, if the promise of heaven is one of the major drives of your life, than you need to live in the now. Don't worry about the future, everyone dies that is a fact of life. Yes, heaven seems like a good place to be, however everyone sins. Even the smallest sins add up, so in my mind heaven is just pointless. For me, this is crucial because me personally, I have sinned. When I think of heaven I think of a place that people back in the day (when the bible was written), used to try to explain death. I am not going to lie, the idea of death is scary, but there is no way around it. So instead of lying to myself, I decided to accept the idea I am going to die eventually. I have found I am enjoying life a lot more. Instead of worrying about the future enjoy life now.

      Thanks for reading,

      P.S. I apologize if this offends you, that was not the intention.

  3. Hi Josh,
    Very interesting post. I like it. You and I have a quite same idea about the religion. I would say, religions are not perfect because they are created by human, wondering where they came from. There are about hundres and thousands(not correct) of religions which already tells there is no right answer to the religion. However I disagree with your overal thought about the religion. Though I am an athist,I believe in that most of the religions are helpful to people. If you believe in superem beings, you tend to behave under the 'god's' eye sight. This makes people to make more resonable decision. (Many people actually can make reasonalbe decision without god. What I am saying is that the existence of god helps to make better decision.) Second,people who believe in god feel less lonely because they believe that the god is always with them. Third, Whatever the reason is, religious people tend to have strong sense of service to poor peope. (Mostly chirstian and catholic for a missionary work.) Anyway this is my thought about religion. I really liked your post.


    *Every content in this post might not be ture because they are based on my own thought.

    1. Sangjin,

      A couple of the things you talked about are correct but I strongly think that one of the reasons for these religious groups doing service is because they want to spread your religion. Just because people don't believe in a god doesn't mean that they don't behave in a correct manner. In fact a lot of people that follow religion, fight for there religion. That doesn't sound like something that "God" would want. Yes, I would agree that people that believe in God always have a "friend" however, why wouldn't they talk to someone who could actually answer them. In my opinion, the idea that God is always there for you is wrong. I have gone through things in my life that makes me think that God is not with me at all. These events have not only made me question God, but eliminate him from my thoughts. I think that God is like an imaginary friend, God can do anything that someone says he does, but it is really coincidence or even luck. Someone who miraculously gets better from a disease doesn't have to do with God but the doctors healing them (it is their job).

      Thanks for reading,

      P.S. I didn't mean to offend you in anyway, if I did.

  4. Hi Clarissa,

    When you think of America you think of religious freedom, or at least one of the things you think about, right? Well doesn't religious freedom entail that you can choose to be religious or not. I feel that I have to hide in a way that I am atheist. If I don't than it can get somewhat awkward. Most people when they meet, they look for a way to identify religion or make speculations, even if it is subconscious. It took me a long time to recognize this. I didn't realize this until someone in 9th grade mistook me for a Christian. After I told them I wasn't Christian I didn't talk to them till a few weeks ago. That wasn't because I didn't try. Religion is the bridge that connects people, within a certain group.

    Thanks for reading,
